At The Vegas Lawyers, we have a special sauce. It’s a combination of outstanding legal skills, a strong sense of compassion and the strong desire to win for our clients. Our criminal defense team is led by former Judge Tony Abbatangelo. Tony spent more than a decade serving as a Judge. Very few lawyers have the perspective Tony has given his judicial experience. It’s for this reason he’s the “go-to” lawyer for many high-profile individuals which includes, top Casino executives, celebrities and many of the hard-working men and women employed on the Strip.
All of our lawyers and support staff share a philosophy that when people have legal trouble, they need compassion and empathy. They deserve someone that will listen and take into consideration the impact on their life circumstances. With a fabulous legal team comprised of intelligent, caring, and dedicated professionals, The Vegas Lawyers offers each client outstanding representation.
On the subject of teamwork, when clients hire The Vegas Lawyers, they’re not just getting a single individual representing them. Instead, they’re getting an entire team of professionals fully engaged and ready to win for each client. At The Vegas Lawyers, we staff our cases for maximum advantage in favor of our clients. No criminal case goes to trial without an entire team working to help get the client the best results. All of our attorneys have high-stakes trial experience. When you become a client of The Vegas Lawyers, you’re getting one of the best legal teams in this city.
At The Vegas Lawyers, we know that it’s not just about your case… it’s about your life!
Anthony Abbatangelo ESQ.
Michael Humphreys ESQ.
Arelice Parra
Paul Padda ESQ.
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Disclaimers: The information contained herein is not intended, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice. Because each situation is different, a person seeking advice regarding a particular situation should consult in person with an attorney.