Why Hiring a Speeding Ticket Lawyer Can Save Time & Money
For a motorist, flashing lights in the rearview mirror while driving is not usually a welcome sight. Frequently, those flashing lights lead to a law enforcement officer writing you a citation for speeding. If you recently received a speeding ticket, you could simply pay the fine and accept the points against your license; however, hiring a speeding ticket lawyer can save you both time and money.

Nevada Speeding Law
Like all states, Nevada has posted speed limits on all public roadways. If you exceed the speed limit, you can be stopped by a law enforcement officer and issued a citation (ticket). Typically, a speeding ticket is a civil infraction; however, some speeding violations can be charged as criminal misdemeanors. If you are charged with speeding 30 miles per hour (or more) over the posted speed limit, for example, you can be charged with a moving violation misdemeanor.
What Are the Potential Penalties for Violating Nevada Speeding Laws?
If you violate Nevada speeding laws and are charged with a civil infraction, you face a monetary fine of up to $500 and “points” against your license. The Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) operates on a demit system. If you accrue 12 months against your license within a 12-month period, your license is automatically suspended for six months. A speeding ticket could result in one to five points against your license, depending on how much over the limit you were driving and whether there were additional aggravating circumstances (such as speeding in a school or construction zone).
If you are charged with a criminal misdemeanor for exceeding the speed limit by 30 miles per hour or more, you face up to six months in jail and/or up to a $1,000 fine. Fines can also be doubled for speeding in school or work zones or if you cause property damage or injury.
Can I Contest a Nevada Speeding Ticket?
If you are issued a citation for a civil infraction, you have two options. You can admit that you committed the violation or contest the violation. If you admit the violation, you will be required to pay a fine, and points will be assessed against your license. You may be eligible to avoid or reduce points by completing a Nevada DMV-approved 5-hour traffic safety course or paying a Demerit Point Reduction Fee in addition to paying a fine. If you wish to contest the violation, you must do so shortly after receiving the ticket to preserve your rights. Once the court has been notified that you contest the ticket a court date will be scheduled for a hearing.
If you are charged with a criminal misdemeanor, you must appear in court on the date and time noted on the ticket. At that time, you will enter a plea of guilty or not guilty. If you plead not guilty, a trial date will be set by the court. Failing to appear at the scheduled date and time will typically result in a bench warrant being issued for your arrest.
How Can a Nevada Speeding Ticket Lawyer Help Me
The potential consequences of a moving violation can be considerable. Along with paying a hefty fine you may accrue multiple points against your license and face higher car insurance premiums for several years after admitting a moving violation. Even admitting a civil infraction can negatively impact your driving record and your finances. Failing to appear in court can result in a warrant for your arrest while accruing too many points can cause the loss of your driving privileges. An experienced Nevada speeding ticket lawyer can save you both time and money when you have been issued a ticket. Attempting to navigate the unfamiliar DMV and/or criminal justice system can be stressful, waste hours of valuable time, and have dire consequences if you make a misstep. An experienced attorney can handle the procedural steps on your behalf and act as your advocate throughout the process. Whether you intend to dispute or admit that you were speeding, a lawyer may be able to help by developing a winning defense to the accusations or by negotiating a reduction in the fines and points levied against you.
What Should I Do If I Have Been Charged with Speeding in Las Vegas?
If you have been charged with speeding in Las Vegas, consult with an experienced Nevada speeding ticket lawyer at The Vegas Lawyers as soon as possible to discuss your legal options and defenses. Call us at 702-707-3000 or contact us online.