How Much Does a DUI Cost? Fines, Fees, and Hidden Expenses
You undoubtedly know that driving under the influence (DUI) is illegal; however, it is also important to know that getting arrested for DUI in Las Vegas can be an expensive mistake. Not only will you incur immediate financial penalties for a DUI conviction, but you will also face long-term costs that may impact your life in ways you may not have considered. If you are facing DUI charges in Las Vegas, understanding how much a DUI does is essential.
Court Costs and Fines
If you are convicted of DUI, either at trial or through a guilty plea agreement, you will incur significant court costs and fines. Court costs are usually several hundred dollars, while the fine for a misdemeanor DUI can be up to $1,000 and a felony DUI conviction will subject you to a fine of up to $5,000.
Probation Costs and Fees
If this is your first DUI arrest, you will likely be sentenced to serve a period of time on probation in lieu of jail time. While staying out of jail is certainly the preferred outcome, probation can be expensive. Common costs associated with probation include:
· Supervision: You may be surprised to learn that you have to pay a monthly fee for the probation department to supervise you.
· Evaluations, Counseling, and Rehabilitation: Because your conviction involved alcohol, you will likely be required to have a drug and alcohol evaluation completed and to follow any recommendations based on the evaluation. Both the cost of the evaluation and expenses related to any counseling or rehabilitation will be your responsibility.
· Victim Impact Panel: As a condition of your probation, you will be required to attend, and pay for, a victim impact panel presented by groups like MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving).
· Alcohol and Drug Testing: If you are placed on probation, you will be subject to random alcohol and drug testing, at your expense.
· Ignition Interlock Device Expenses: You may be required to install an ignition interlock device on your vehicle as part of a plea agreement or sentence. If so, the cost of installation and monthly monitoring will be your responsibility.
Insurance and Motor Vehicle Expenses
If you are convicted of DUI in Nevada, and/or you refuse to submit to a chemical breath test, your license will be suspended. To reinstate your license, you will need to pay reinstatement fees to the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles. In addition, your suspension and conviction will be forwarded to your insurance company. Your insurance provider may cancel your coverage entirely or increase your premiums. Expect increased premiums for at least three years after a DUI conviction.
Jail Expenses.
Being arrested, even if you are not convicted, can be expensive. Just to be released from jail while your case is pending you will likely be required to post a bond. If you are sentenced to serve time in jail, you may lose money that could have been made while working or have to pay a fee to serve your time on the weekends.
Non-Judicial Costs
Along with all the direct expenses related to a DUI, there are numerous non-judicial, indirect costs. A DUI, for example, may cause you to lose your current job or disqualify you for future employment opportunities. That same conviction may prohibit you from being approved for a professional license or result in disciplinary action if you currently hold a license. A DUI conviction may even negatively impact your immigration status or your custodial rights to a minor child.
How Much Does a DUI Cost?
When you add up all the expenses, costs, and indirect consequences of a DUI conviction, the true cost of a DUI can easily run over $10,000 for a first-time conviction and over $20,000 for a second or subsequent conviction.
What Should I Do If I Was Charged with DUI in Las Vegas?
If you have been charged with DUI in Las Vegas, consult with the experienced Las Vegas DUI defense attorneys at The Vegas Lawyers as soon as possible to discuss your next steps. Call us at 702-707-7000 or contact us online.