Is a Hit and Run a Felony in Nevada? Answering Your Questions about Hit-and-Run Collisions

Being involved in a motor vehicle accident is not a criminal offense. However, if you were involved in a motor vehicle accident and failed to wait at the scene, you may wonder, “Is hit and run a felony in Nevada?” Whether a hit and run can be charged as a felony in Nevada depends on whether anyone was injured in the crash.

Nevada Law: Duty to Stop at the Scene of an Accident

Nevada law requires a driver to stop after being involved in a collision if the crash resulted in damage to a vehicle or injury to a person. The potential penalties for failing to stop depend on the accident’s severity.

NRS 484E.020 imposes a duty on all drivers involved in a crash that results in property damage to a vehicle to stop at the scene, move their vehicle if it obstructs traffic, and exchange contact information with the other driver(s). You can be charged with a criminal misdemeanor for failing to stop at a property damage-only accident.

When Is Hit and Run a Felony in Nevada? 

If you are involved in an accident in Nevada and fail to stop at the scene, you could face felony criminal charges. Failing to stop at the scene of an accident involving bodily injury or death is governed by NRS 484E.010. Under that statute, a driver involved in a crash on a public roadway is legally required to stop and remain at the crash scene, exchange contact information, and render aid, if the collision resulted in bodily injury or death. If you fail to stop (hit and run) at this type of accident scene, you could be charged with a category B felony.

What Are the Potential Penalties for a Felony Hit and Run in Nevada?

If you are charged and convicted of felony hit and run in Nevada, you will face a sentence that includes a term of imprisonment of two to 20 years in prison and/or a fine of $2,000 to $5,000. Nevada law allows you to be charged and sentenced separately for each person injured or killed in the crash. For example, if there were three people injured in the crash, you could be charged and convicted of three separate category B felonies. Furthermore, a sentence imposed for felony hit and run cannot be suspended, nor can probation be granted, meaning you face at least two years in prison for each felony hit and run conviction.

What Should I Do If I Have Been Charged with Felony Hit and Run in Nevada?

If you have been charged with a felony hit and run, or you have reason to believe you are a suspect in a felony hit and run in Las Vegas, the key to protecting your rights and your future is to consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney at The Vegas Lawyers right away. Contact us to schedule a confidential consultation by calling 702-707-3000 or contacting us online.

  • Category: DUI