The Cost of a Speeding Ticket: Finding a Lawyer Near Me
If you drive around Las Vegas on a regular basis, there is a good chance you will eventually be stopped and issued a speeding ticket. If that recently happened to you, you may be tempted to just pay for the ticket regardless of whether you were actually speeding or not. Before you do that, consider the cost of fighting a speeding ticket versus the total costs involved in admitting guilt. Then ask yourself “Is it worth hiring a speeding ticket lawyer near me?

Nevada Speeding Laws
Most citations issued for speeding in Nevada are civil infractions, meaning they are not charged as a criminal offense. There are, however, some speeding charges that are charged as a criminal misdemeanor. If you exceed the posted speed limit by 30 m.p.h. or more, for example, you can be charged with a criminal misdemeanor instead of a simple civil infraction. The distinction is important because you face a higher fine as well as a possible jail sentence if you are convicted of a criminal misdemeanor. Conversely, you cannot be sent to jail if you admit guilt for a civil infraction. Nevada speeding laws are governed by which prohibits:
- Driving faster than the posted speed limit
- Driving faster than 80 miles per hour
- Driving at a speed that is unreasonable for the conditions, such as traffic, weather, or highway surface
- Driving at a speed that could cause injury, death, or property damage
Understanding the Cost of a Nevada Speeding Ticket
Before deciding not to fight a speeding ticket, you should understand the costs involved. If you receive a civil infraction, you will pay a fine of $20 for each mile over the posted speed limit up to a maximum of $1,000. The fine doubles if you were speeding in a school, pedestrian safety, or work zone. If you are charged with a criminal misdemeanor, you face up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $1,000. In addition to any fines or imprisonment, points will be assessed against your license as follows:
- 1-10 m.p.h. over the posted speed limit 1 point
- 11-20 m.p.h. over the posted speed limit 2 points
- 21-30 m.p.h. over the posted speed limit 3 points
- 31-40 m.p.h. over the posted speed limit 4 points
- 41 m.p.h. or more over the posted speed limit 5 points
If you accrue 12 or more points in any 12 months, your driver’s license is automatically suspended for six months. In addition, a speeding conviction will cause your car insurance premiums to increase for several years after the conviction. If you are convicted of a criminal misdemeanor, the conviction will appear any time a prospective employer or landlord runs a criminal history check on you and may prevent you from qualifying for employment or housing opportunities in the future.
Why Should I Hire a Speeding Ticket Lawyer Near Me?
It may initially seem easier to just pay a speeding ticket than to fight the ticket; however, the long-term cost of paying a speeding ticket can be higher than you realize. An experienced speeding ticket lawyer may be able to get your ticket dismissed altogether or reduced to a non-moving violation, avoiding points against your license and insurance penalties. In the long run, the cost of retaining a lawyer is often significantly less than the costs involved in paying a speeding ticket.
What Should I Do If I Got a Speeding Ticket in Las Vegas?
If you got a speeding ticket in Las Vegas, consult with the experienced speeding ticket attorneys at The Vegas Lawyers as soon as possible to discuss your next steps. Call us at 702-707-3000 or contact us online.