Understanding the Consequences of Using a Fake ID in Nevada
Although fake IDs are used throughout the country, they are especially ubiquitous in Las Vegas. Proof of age is required to purchase alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana as well as to enter certain adult establishments or to gamble once you have gained entry to casinos on the world-famous strip. It has always been tempting for underage revelers to try using a fake ID in Las Vegas; however, using a fake ID in Nevada can lead to some serious consequences.

What Is a Fake ID in Nevada?
The most common example of a “fake ID’ in Nevada is a driver’s license that is being used by someone other than the rightful owner or that has been altered so that the owner appears older. The State of Nevada, however, defines a “fake ID” as any altered or counterfeit document used to identify an individual such as a driver’s license, state identification card, passport, Las Vegas work card, or membership card.
What Are the Potential Consequences of Using a Fake ID in Nevada?
It can be tempting to use a fake ID to try and gain access to adult-only establishments and/or to purchase age-restricted merchandise, but you should consider the potential consequences if you are caught doing so before giving in to that temptation.
In Nevada, NRS 205.460 makes it a criminal misdemeanor offense to possess a fake ID “with the intention that (the fake ID) be used by a person under the age of 21 years to establish falsely or misrepresent his or her actual age for the purpose of purchasing alcoholic liquor or being served alcoholic liquor in a place where it is served for consumption on the premises, or entering gambling establishments, or engaging in gambling in gambling establishments.” If convicted under this statute you face up to six months in jail and/or a fine of up to $1,000.
Note that if you are charged with selling, lending, or giving away an altered or counterfeited document to be used to purchase alcohol or gamble, you may be charged with a gross misdemeanor, subjecting you to up to a year in jail and/or up to a $2,000 fine.
If you use a fake ID with the intent to establish a “false status, occupation, membership, license or identity,” Nevada law allows you to be charged with a Class C felony, punishable by up to 10 years in prison and/or a fine of up to $10,000.
Do I Have a Defense If I Was Charged with Using a Fake ID in Nevada?
If you are arrested and charged with a criminal offense for using a fake ID in Nevada, you have a right to launch a vigorous defense with the assistance of an experienced attorney. Your defense may be based on the assertion that you lacked the “intent to defraud” or might focus on a violation of your constitutional rights that prevents the prosecution from using evidence against you at trial. The defense strategies available to you will depend on the unique facts and circumstances surrounding your arrest.
What Should I Do If I Have Been Charged with Using a Fake ID in Las Vegas?
If you have been charged with using a fake ID in Las Vegas, consult with an experienced Nevada fake ID lawyer at The Vegas Lawyers as soon as possible to discuss your legal options and defenses. Call us at 702-707-3000 or contact us online.